"Ekspo Pendidikan SSIL" , what is that ? It is more similar to an exhibition which to introduce my school , SSIL ( Sekolah Sains Informatik Labuan ) to other people . Well , this time we brought the exhibition out of our campus to KML ( Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan ) . This is the first time SSIL organize the "Ekspo Pendidikan SSIL " outside our campus ! :)
The head for this activity is Rayvieana , one of the PMSSIL ( Persatuan Mahasiswa Sekolah Sains Informatik Labuan ) and this activity hold on 27th Febuary 2009 . There were 8 PMSSIL who going to KML that day ... :)
This exhibition , the main objective is introduce our school to KML's student . We let them know what course or subject that our school offer for . Besides that , we show them the product like 3D animation , 2D animation , Character Design , Photoshop Design , Web Design and others . Most of the products that we show were taken from 3rd year student , of course , some of them from 2nd year ... :)
Most of my friends know that i dislike to do something by following x-activities . I like the new things . hehe ... so , this time i try to get the design from the students . I try to get the products that not for their school project but for others propose ! But , i fail to get it ... most of them din't do any others design in their room ! So sad to hear that cecause they make the design or products only for assignment ! If most of the student in campus have try to learn themselves in their room , i am sure that we can improve a lot ! But ... :( in the end ... most of the design are mine ... i hope that i can change this situation in the next semester ! I am PMSSIL , vice presiden , i hope that i can change their mind to learn in their room in the next semester ~ :)
This photo is posted to show something ! Firstly , i want to show my family that i am fine ! haha , this is one of the activity that i was busy for this few weeks . Secondly , i want to tell other friends in campus , i can also help you to display or post your design one day . So , try to learn in your room ya ~ I am willing to help you display it one day ... :)
Besides this exhibition , we also make a talk and a forum to KML's student ! Althought only around 15 students in the hall , but it is quiet success ~ :) Students in KML still have many question to ask in the talk . :)
Anyway , i take a chance here to say thank you to Ray and Mac for trying hard in this activities ! You can do better and better in the next activities ! :)
I took many photos there , if you are interest with this activity , you can view it by click
HERE to enter my website ya ~ thanks ! :)